Tuesday 3 December 2013

A bacon butty a day keeps the doctor away.

Early next year we are hoping to run a series of blogs on the fantastic butchers that stock our pork but in the closing weeks of 2013 thought it would be a nice idea to have another look at what the papers have said about Scotts Field throughout the year starting with one of our favourite magazines LandLove  who did a great piece back in January called 'Going Back to Black'

As part of the article they cited some pork facts - several of which were news to us (!) under the heading of

Did You Know .....?

  • Over a third of the fat in bacon is the same as the healthy fat found in olive oil, which is known to lower chlolesterol levels.
  • Pork has more protein than chicken and is high in zinc, iron and B vitamins.
  • Insulin and about 40 other medicines are made from pigs.
  • Pork contains on average 45% Thiamine (vitamin B1), three times as much thiamine as any other food. It helps in the conversion of carboydrates into glucose, which in turn is used to produce energy for carrying out various body functions. Vitamin B1 is required for the breakdown of fats & protein. It also improves the body to withstand stress and is often called the 'anti-stress' vitamin.
So there you have it - eating our pork helps you stay as chillaxed as our pigs!

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