Wednesday, 22 October 2014

Walk The Pork - The Minister

This year we held ‘Walk The Pork’ as part of The Brecks Food Festival – a three day event that takes place as part of the wider Norfolk Food Festival over the third weekend in September. It is an opportunity for everyone in The Becks to showcase their skills from ‘farm to fork’ and is supported by many local businesses including The Elveden Estate & Heygates  Farms.

We were delighted to welcome The Right Hon Elizabeth Truss who as well as being Secretary of State for  The Environment, Food & Rural Affairs is also our local M.P. Liz has taken a keen interest in The Brecks Food Festival since she was elected in 2010, recognising its significance in promoting both food & tourism in the local economy.

She kindly agreed to speak at Walk The Pork as the opening event of The 2014 Brecks Food Festival.
‘It is fantastic to be here again at Walk The Pork. I remember the first year that I was invited along. It was an incredibly hot day and I was amazed to walk into a field and find as well as some black pigs the most fantastic pork and bacon products on offer.

The pigs that you have here are a very rare breed producing a fatter meat which is I believe is coming back into fashion as tastes change - they certainly produce fantastic meat. Since that first walk I have seen The Black Pig being sold in many local shops, cafes and restaurants. Yours is a great success story and is part of the wider success story of The Brecks.  We have The Brecks Food Festival that Vanessa Scott of Strattons Hotel has been so instrumental in making happen to showcase other great Brecks produce such as The Norfolk Peer potato which anyone can now buy in their local supermarket.  In season we also have fantastic asparagus produced in the Brecks. I think that what the festival is doing is helping people understand the connection with the landscape, it is a incredibly unusual landscape with amazing bio-diversity which co-exists with really fantastic products that people want to enjoy and eat.

I am pretty obsessed with local food. It’s a great movement which is helping people connect with the environment and nature as well as our history.  It is great that the festival is going from strength to strength. It is good for tourism and raising the profile of The Brecks.

As DEFRA Minister I am very open to ideas about what we can do to promote sustainable agriculture,  to make sure in Britain we are eating our indigenous food, our fabulous local food as well as getting the opportunity to export as well.’

Friday, 17 October 2014

They Came, They Talked & Walked Some Pork

In this the prequel to our series of blogs about Walk The Pork 2014 we thought you might be interested in who comes along........This year we welcomed amongst others a government minister, Norfolk chefs & butchers & a couple of salami producers. Our guest list follows:

The Right Honorurable Elizabeth Truss -  Sectretary of State for The Enviroment, Food & Rural                                                                    Affairs
Scott Taylor - Head Chef at Elveden Estates
Charlie Mills - Bramfield Meats
George & Henry Mills  - Mills & Sons
Mark & Mark Allen - Fleetwoods Butchers
Tony Potter - Impsons Butchers
Richard Hughes - The Lavender House
Vanessa Scott - Strattons Hotel
Les Scott - Strattons Hotel
Jackie Kennedy - Marsh Pig Salami
Miles Nicholas - Gog Magog Hills Farm Shop
Charles Bradford - Gog Magog Hills Farm Shop
Rosy Darling- Intwood Farms
Gail Sprake - Chair RBST
Tom Beeston - CEO RBST
Neil Richardson - Barclays Bank
Marcus Bates - BPA
Susie Emmett - Greenshoots Productions
William Gribbon - Heygates Farms
James Walker - Chef
Sarah De Chair - Chair of The Norfolk Food & Drink Festival
Stephen Plume - The Sausage King
James Skelton - NFU
Andy Newman - Andy Newman Assoc
Johann Tasker - Farmers Weekly
Chris Hill - EDP
Stacia Briggs - EDP
James Rudman - NFU
Graham Cormack - Tax Assist
James Parry - CPRE

The focus this year was on local food webs, living, working & growing in The Brecks and 'use them or lose them' the focus on rare breeds.

We will over the next few weeks feature a series of blogs covering our discussions. Please join the conversation .............

There's nowhere quite like Norfolk

We had a lot of fun one day this summer with Visit Norfolk. You can see the results in The Food & Drink video here. In this series of short films you will find many reasons to visit our amazing county - once you arrive you might find one or two to stay .

I did.

Sunday, 12 October 2014

Great British Food Producers

We delighted to have been nominated by LandLove Magazine as one of their Great British Food Producers. We now need lots & lots of people to vote for us. You can do this by following the link to Landlove Awards.

All voters will be entered into a draw to win a fantastic three night break at The Kings Head Inn in Yorkshire so it is a win win situation.

Good Luck to us all!