Walk The Pork - The Photographer
A huge thank you to Maria Mercer. One of the things we forgot to organise was an official photographer so one of our guests Maria stepped into the role at the last minute. She took some of the best photos of our herd of pigs that we have ever seen - she has a real empathy with 'our girls' as the amazing photos she has kindly given us to use show.Walk The Pork - The Cook
Our Secret weapon, Mrs Hartley, Norfolks best kept secret and the reason why both press and guests return year on year - not only to sample some great pork but also her cakes and biscuits.
Both Debbie & Maria are available for weddings, funerals & bar mitzvahs and we are immensely grateful to both of them.....as we are to our great friend Lynda Eddy (sorry no photo) who as usual ensured that the day went without a hitch. She has missed her vocation as an events organiser!
A big thank you also goes to Kim Riley and his team at Look East for their part in raising the profile of our herd of beautiful Large Black Pigs - You can see his piece here
Plans are already under way for next year's event when we hope to introduce Wissey Valley Lamb and our herd of Romney & Jacob ewes as well as re-visiting some very photogenic pigs!